The first time I heard about radgrad was from an email I got after I took ICS 111 notifying me about how I should do things to gain more experience coding. I honestly didn’t know what that ment or how...
I’ve honestly never thought about coding standards untill recently. The first computer language I learned was C++. I was taught C++ on matlab from a professor who I was pretty sure didn’t want to teach. The class was graded purely...
## This class was a bit of a surprise for me, I was actually pretty convinced at the beginning of the semester that I probably wouldn’t like it. There was a lot of work involved, expecially at the begining of...
An Unknown Known, Things you didn't know that you know.
02 Sep 2021
## What exactly is a design pattern? Apprently we have been using them for almost everything that we accomplished during this class. Two examples that surprised me were how MongoDB updates it’s collections (it is a varient of the Observer...
Last week we learned HTML and CSS. Eager to put to use the knowledge we amassed during our 72 courses on freecodecamp, when our tormentor tasked us with copying a web page, we attacked the WOD beleaving we had what...
Links located at bottom. Do dumb questions actually exist? Answer: sort of. But lets not call them dumb questions. In actuality the question itself is not dumb, but rather it lacks any effort from the inquirer that demonstrates any deeper...
## Software engineering was not a class that I was strongly looking forward to, or was that interested in. It was/still kindda is a prereq for a class that I am interested in tho. I think the main thing that...
Javascript has been interesting to learn. I’ve had to learn java and C++ for some of my other classes so I’m familiar with the way you form arguments. The big problem I’ve been having is that I would get mixed...